Being quarantined during COVID-19 has given me a lot of time. Time for things that I usually don’t get around to doing. Today I opted to go through some boxes that have been stacked in my office since we moved here almost two years ago. Oh I knew what was in them, but it wasn’t anything I needed immediately, so I put off unpacking them. Once the first one was opened, I realized maybe I really do need this right now.

I pulled out a little book. A book I’ve looked through many times, but never has it had the impact on me that it had today. A little book titled “Handwritten Notes to My Mother”. A little book my oldest daughter gave me several years ago. A little book that brought me to tears today. As I flipped through the pages reading each little note, I imagined the words coming from Kala. Although my memory is not what it used to be, I can still remember that cute freckled face kid with carrot red hair and sparkling blue eyes. She stole my heart from the beginning and I love her even more now. She’s grown now, and a mother herself, but how well I remember when she gave me this book. I cried then too.
Was I looking for treasure today? No, but I certainly found it! A little treasure in a little book, to remind me of how much I’m loved. With the social distancing and quarantine in place, I needed this today. I’ll be happy when this is all over and I can visit (and hug) my children again. But, for now, I have these “handwritten notes” and that will have to be enough.
Be blessed,