I love a good home remedy. Especially when I’ve spent lots of money on all the name brand stuff and still have the same problem only to find that I had all the ingredients for the cure right there in my cabinet at home. Well, this is a one ingredient remedy and it works so well! I got it from a friend who has used it for years. His mom raised four boys using this and oh how I wish I’d had it to use with my babies diaper rash. The only ingredient is flour. I don’t even think it matters what kind of flour. I’ve also read you can use corn starch. We call it brown powder at our house because that’s just what it looks like.
- 1 cup flour
Place flour (or corn starch) in a cast iron skillet, turn on high. Stir constantly until it turns a nice medium brown color. Remove from heat and let cool completely. I like to pour mine through a sifter just to get the larger pieces out, but you don’t really have to do that. Just use it as you would powder on all those rashy areas. Be sure the area is clean and dry before applying. Store it in any kind of container with a lid. I just bought a cheap powder set with a puff at Dollar Tree and replaced the powder.