If you’re reading this section of my page, I am humbled that you are here. I hope that my site somehow inspires you, teaches you, or maybe just gives you a little humor. After all, I’m just a small-town girl who really wants to write, isn’t very good at it, but is still willing to give it my best shot.

First and foremost, I am a Christian, a sinner saved by grace from my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Everything else in my life is second. While my roles of wife, mother, grandmother, daughter, sister, aunt and friend are very important, none of these relationships can compare to the love I have for Jesus. His precious blood was shed for me on the cross and He rose three days after being buried in a borrowed tomb. I am forever grateful.
For 25 years I worked in local factories in my hometown of Lawrenceburg, TN or nearby counties. While these jobs always provided well for my family financially and had great benefits, I was never happy, even in management positions making lots of money.
I always dreamed of the simple life. Staying home with my three kids was something I was never able to do, or at least I never had the courage to try it. Now, being the grandmother of five beautiful ones, I was determined to be home more and enjoy them like I never did my own.
To do this meant changing most everything in my life. I quit my job, sold my house and my new car, and just learned to become content with very little. I still have way more than I need, but way less than before. I’ve learned that “stuff” isn’t as important as we think it is.
I could not have done any of this without my faith in God and the love and support of my amazing husband Marty and my wonderful children. I owe it all to them for believing in me and encouraging me to follow my dreams.
I hope my story is inspiring to some of you and if you are looking to downsize your lifestyle and home, I hope you find helpful information here. I’ve learned so much on this journey, and to share it with others is a dream come true.
I’ll also add recipes, home remedies and other things I enjoy in my simple life. Maybe you’ll enjoy it too!