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Making It A Home, Making It Our Own


Moving is one of my least favorite things, but you wouldn’t be able to tell it by the number of times I’ve done it in my life. I have moved a lot! This last move was a little different though and not as bad. We didn’t have nearly as much junk after downsizing so much from our last move and everything was organized a lot better too. Labeled-boxesWe labeled each box before it was moved and tried to place it in the correct room at the new house upon arrival. That was a big help.

Now, after being here a couple of months, we are still working on the house. We did a lot of the necessary things so we could get moved in. Now we are working on projects that we want to do to make it our own place. These go a lot slower though. Time and funds aren’t always as available as we’d like them to be, so we work on it as we can.

I still have a “honey-do” list on the fridge for my Honey. Honey-do-listHe’s such a handyman. He can do almost anything. And for the projects that he doesn’t know how to do, there’s always the World Wide Web. We go straight to YouTube. You can find how to do anything, seriously! We had to repair our threshold on our french doors. It was all rotted out from a rain leak. What a mess! He looked it up on YouTube and actually found the part on Amazon for much cheaper that what the big box stores were charging. And now my French doors are perfect! All we have to do is the trim, and that’s easy. It pays to do your research.

Doing things yourself saves so much money. As I mentioned above, you can search YouTube for how-to videos on any subject. Get a few friends together to help you out and you can accomplish a lot in a short amount of time. We put down laminate flooring in our living room in about a day and a half. I don’t regret doing it ourself, it saved us a lot. I do regret not buying a better quality flooring. However, it was what we could afford at the time. Always buy the best quality products you can afford. Better quality makes the product easier to install and of course makes it last longer. Either way, take care of what you’ve got. Maintaining your home is key to not having to repair/replace things as often.


My favorite part of the renovations is my office. I say office, but it’s so much more. It’s my war room, my craft room, my sewing room, my everything room! I love it and it’s a HOT MESS most of the time. I’m always in there doing so many things from reading/studying to making shirts or blogging and working in my planner. I have things scattered everywhere, but I know where it all is and that’s all that matters. I do allow my husband to come in and use the computer sometimes, after all, he is the the I.T. guy. What would I do without him? He built shelves in the closet for all, or at least a lot of, my supplies. This turned out great! I never knew I had so much stuff.

This blog is just rambling about some of what we’ve done so far, but I hope it’s inspiration for you to get busy if you’re renovating a house. Make it your own. You don’t have to be like anyone else. You don’t have to have the very best of everything. Use what you have. Make it unique. I like to look at other homes and then make mine my very own.

Be blessed,



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