There’s nothing better than making homemade ice-cream with the family. It’s one of our favorite traditions. Here’s the recipe that we love the most. We have used 4 bananas, a pint of strawberries, 4 peaches or we’ve even made it without the fruit. Any of these variations turned out wonderful! It has several ingredients, but that’s what makes it so good. Try it and see.
Homemade Ice Cream
- Fruit of your choice or you may omit this line
- 1 1/3 C sugar
- 1 can sweetened condensed milk
- 8 oz. Cool Whip
- 1 tbsp vanilla
- 5 eggs
- Milk
- Ice
- Rock Salt
Mix the fruit, sugar, sweetened condensed milk, cool whip, vanilla and eggs together will in a large bowl. Once mixed well, add mixture to the ice cream freezer and fill with milk.
Layer with ice and rock salt and you normally would. Run the freezer for 30-40 minutes or until it cuts off. Freezing times may vary.